Luxury Listing Red Flags That Will Have Buyers Running


In the ever-increasing digital era of luxury real estate, sellers need to captivate potential buyers faster than ever. Couple this with COVID-19 in-person restrictions, and you have a market that's almost entirely dependent on online listings. Pictures used to be worth a thousand words, but as the primary avenue for capturing buyers' attention, they're invaluable for high-end listings. 

With so many options scattered throughout the internet, buyers will spend around ten seconds looking at a luxury listing before deciding to move on — so how can you prevent their departure? Well, you'll have to learn how to make a memorable first impression, and there are plenty of ways you could get it wrong.

If you want to get the most out of your online listings, maximize views, and boost contact submissions — you'll need to avoid these ten turnoffs that could negatively impact your high-end listing. 

Low-Quality Pictures 

Photos are the window to the soul of a home, but we see less-than-stellar photos all too often. Whether it's terrible lighting, out of focus shots, stale focal points, or otherwise — poor photos can have potential buyers running to the next listing. Make sure to straighten up and take care of any unsightly views within the home. Here are some ways to de-uglify your listing photos.

  • Clean, clean, and clean some more

  • Make sure toilet seats are down 

  • Cord management in office areas or living spaces 

  • Center or properly position furnishings and rugs 

These are just a few tips to clean up your listing pictures and prevent potential buyers from moving on too quickly. 

Poor Lighting 

Ask any photographer, and they'll tell you the most important aspect of a great picture is lighting. So, make sure to take photos during a time where natural lighting works in your favor. Open up the curtains or remove window coverings entirely, as these not only make rooms look smaller but also prevent favorable lighting conditions. Replace old light fixtures. You can also install additional lighting fixtures to keep rooms well-lit. Dark photos are a huge turnoff, not only because they make a space feel dull and dingy, but also smaller. 


When staging a home, the last thing you want is cluttered spaces that make properties seem overcrowded. Not only is this unprofessional and not very friendly on the eyes, but it too makes spaces feel smaller. Extraneous items busy the mind and can be a significant distraction, preventing future homebuyers from picturing a future in a given space.

If you're concerned with how photos may not do your property justice, it may have to do with learning how to evoke spaciousness. If you want to learn how to make rooms look bigger — check out our 7 Ways to Make a Room Look More Spacious article. 

Outdated Features and Fixtures (sam this should be different I am jotting down some things to do you will fix the English)

Luxury home buyers don't want to see outdated features in a home or property. This includes decor, floors, countertops, window coverings, and more. Fix everything that is broken. Replace old faucets and shower heads. Small things like new towels for the bathrooms or new outlet covers can go a long way.

Yes, it may be worth investing in redoing central features like countertops — but you could simply reinvent the space with custom virtual staging designs for a significant fraction of the cost. Not only does this give you ultimate freedom and flexibility when catering to a niche luxury market, but it also saves you on redoing expensive elements of a home before putting it on the market. 

When potential homebuyers are sifting through the countless options online, you need a competitive edge to keep their attention. Virtual staging ensures that your property looks flawless, preventing buyers from skipping your listing entirely. 

Bold Paint Colors 

When listing a home, bright or shocking paint color choices can be off-putting for a large pool of potential buyers. Yes, there are always "in" colors that change every few years, and some of these may be bold. However, it's better to go with warm or soft shades that give the viewer room to breathe when looking at a potential home. You'll want to avoid bright yellows, greens, or pinks — along with bold reds or even black. However, going with plain white doesn't do you any favors either, as it's unimaginative and does little to bring together a space. 

Neutral colorways are a fantastic middle ground that offers the perfect canvas for the rest of your home decor, furnishings, and accent pieces. 

Wall Coverings 

Nothing screams outdated like wood paneling or unappealing wallpaper. These completely take up a viewer's attention and can be a real deterrent to captivating a potential buyer. We recommend removing these entirely or having a virtual staging expert replace these wall coverings with a much more elegant and sophisticated choice. 

Messy Landscaping or Exteriors

Whether it's overgrown yards, dead lawns, chipped paint, and unkempt landscaping in general — you want to avoid any exterior issues that may have homeowners running for the hills before they even see the interior photos. 

Performing some upkeep or maintenance on the exterior of your home is crucial for physical staging, but it also makes a significant impact online. You don't want the photo of your home to be plagued with unsightly issues and prevent any further engagement with your listing.

Political or Religious Items 

Whether it's crosses, bible verses, Islamic decor, Star of David pieces, political party memorabilia, and so forth — you want to remove any potentially divisive assets from listing photos or staging efforts. It's not uncommon for some high-end properties to have shrines, prayer rooms, or even small temples either. However, when it comes to keeping homebuyer's attention, you don't want to turn anyone away who may feel uncomfortable or put off by symbols or icons. 

Get the Most Out of Your Luxury Listing

There are no second chances on a first impression, so make it count by avoiding these pitfalls with your online listing. The more traffic you attract online, the faster the sale. The faster the sale, the higher the sale price.  

That's why we believe custom virtual staging designs are a must-have for luxury listings, as it ensures unparalleled quality and customization for your home. You won't have to worry about outdated furnishings or  wallpaper, as virtual stagers can replace or add elements that fit, bringing out the best in your property. 


Luxury Condo Staging Tips


7 Ways to Make a Room Look More Spacious When Staging a Home